Family and Genus:- See- LEGUMINOSAE

Common Names:- Lentil

Homotypic Synonyms:- Ervum ervoides, L. nigricans ssp. ervoides, Vicia

Meaning:- Lens (L) The classical name for the lentil.
                  Ervoides. Meaning unknown.

General description:- Slender annual, usually branched from the base with several
ascending stems, sparsely pilose throughout..

1) 5-20(-30) cm.

1) Without a tendril or uppermost with a short tendril.
2) Leaflets, 1-3 pairs, 8-18 x 1-3(-4) mm,those of the lower leaves elliptical, those of
    the upper leaves oblong to linear.
3) Stipules, of the middle leaves semi-hastate and simple.
4) Tendrils, simple or obsolete.

1) Racemes, 1- to 2-flowered, longer than the leaves.
2) Peduncle, with an articulation near the apex, not aristate.
3) Calyx teeth, linear-lanceolate, 2-3 times as long as the tube.
4) Corolla small (c. 5 mm), slightly exceeding the calyx, pale mauve or lavender.

1) Legume, 9-11 x 4-5 mm, broadly rhomboid to rectangular, puberulent, yellowish,

Key features:-
1) Legume, pubescent.
2) Peduncle, not aristate

Click here for a glossary of terms used.

Habitat:- Rocky and gravelly places in phrygana,open coniferous woodland and
terraced olive groves, 0-800 m (to 1300 m in Crete).

Distribution:- Throughout Greece, especially in the west, rare in the north. - Mostly
in C & E Mediterranean region, Anatolia, extending to Ethiopia and Uganda.
Fairly rare on Crete mainly confind to the four main massifs.

Flowering time:- Late March to early June.

Photos by:- A, N. Other